Sree Ramadasa Mission Kutumba Samiti

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Sreeramdasa Mission Needs Hundreds of service minded people to organise this Yajna.

Who Can Join?

All are invited who can observe Vrutha . All people participating in the Mahayajna as Yoktas, Archakas, Hotas and Hotrikas must observe 21 days of vruta (austerity) and adhere to six types of purity
How to observe the Vruta

v Wear a thulasi/ rudraksha garland after getting it consecrated in a temple.

v Strictly avoid any non-vegetarian food inclusive of eggs

v Observe continence (brahmacharya)

v Bathe in the morning and evening according to one’s health

v Chant the mantras every day

Six types of purity

v Purity of the body

v Purity of the mind and thoughts

v Purity of the pronunciation (of the mantras)

v Purity of the materials

v Purity of the surroundings

v Purity of the atmosphere

Archakas and Hotas must get training in performing Archana and homa respectively.

ü Learn to chant mantras fluently and without any error practice daily

ü Practice sitting for three to four hours at a stretch

ü Learn the arrangement of the Archana venue, etc.

The hotrikas must come prepared to do any service as an offering to the Divine: preparation of worship material, serving in the kitchen, ensuring sanitation etc.

How Can You Join?

Please Fill the Web Form given in the link.

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Alternatvly you can contact

SreeRamaDasa Mission

Sree Rama Dasa Mission
Sree Neelakantapuram, Chenkottukonam
Thundathil P.O., Thiruvananthapuram 695581, Kerala, India.
Tel: 91-471-2712999
Fax: 91-471-2713545